Feb 22, 2021

t f B! P L

Basic terminology of math

U: Universal Set U has n elements. These elements are e₁, e₂, ⋅⋅⋅ , e𝑛.

U = {e₁, e₂, ⋅⋅⋅ , e𝑛} 

{ }: a set

∅: an empty set

N(U) = n : Number of elements in the set U equals n.

H: homogeneous product

P: Permutation

C: Combination

nCr: n:number,r:rake?,k:konstant(constant)?

P(x): Probability of x

P(A) = N(A) / N(U)

A: an event such as n(a) = x

P(A|n(a) = x) = n(A) / n(U)


r:radius, d:diameter, O:origin


∫(x)dx: Integral x dx, (dx:delta x:difference of x)

d/dx(f(x)): differentiation of function x

