The number of tragedies of traffic accidents must be reduced.

Nov 18, 2021

t f B! P L

Fail safe traffic system.

It's technically not difficult to make such system with the current technology.

I wonder why people won't make it immediately.

People are facing aging society. Elderly people are prone to make mistakes while

they are driving. So the possibility to see such tragedies won't be reduced

if we don't do anything.

Install communication devices into every vehicles like number plates 

or regular automobile inspection. Install passive controller of speed and steering into all vehicles.  Stop the ongoing traffic system and recreate every vehicles at once. Then the victims of traffic accidents will be saved. If it's impossible, they should be changed gradually. Government must make it obligatory.

People also must carry communication devices like smart phones.

Each devices must be registered in a central traffic system 

and communicate with it like GPS.

If a collision might happen, The central traffic system will slow down the speed of the vehicles at the scene automatically. Every vehicles must be under control of such safety system. Humans will make mistakes. This is the major premise of this society.

Privacy will be lost, but the death toll of traffic accidents will decrease. This is related with automatic driving system. In America and China, completely automated vehicles are already running as experiments to operate safely.

