Food Delivery

May 10, 2022

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I've worked as a delivery worker of Uber Eats and Demaekan. I bought a bag below. When I bought it, it costs 4000 yen. But now the price is increased. But perhaps you can find a web site that sells it with 4000 yen. The bag was useful but heavy. It can hold PET bottle to drink water with a net beside it. It was a good point, but to tell the truth, I didn't use this bag to put foods in it. I thought that the angle of my tolso seems unstable. If I tilt my body, the angle of the bag will be changed, and the foods inside it will become messy. I used a bycle to deliver foods, so I wanted to keep even balance of the plates of the foods. So instead of using this bag, I put foods inside a basket on the front of the bicycle. I layed folded bathtowel to absorb shocks from bumpy roads. I used 2 cooler bags to put foods in them to keep the temperature of foods and layed them on the folded bathtowel inside the backet. In this way, you don't need to take off your delivery bag on your back when you arrived at a customer's place. It's a bit hasle to take off your bag and take out foods from the bag carefully and sholder it again to meet the customer. In my experience, no customer told me to use the delivery bag on my back. So you don't need to use this bag to tell the truth.
In my case, I delivered foods by bicycle, but if you choose other ways like a motor bike or a car to deliver foods, this bag may be usefull. Deliverying by bicycle for 2 or 3 hours a day is OK, but 4 or 5 hours a day for 7 days in a week is excruciating. It's harmfull for your health. You will be very tired. Also, bicycles and motor bikes are dangerous and risky too. Your body will be exposed to the crash of traffic accidents. I've heard some news about the deliverers who died in the traffic accident. So I always try to deliver slowly and carefully. But it's not efficient to earn lots of money.

